Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Understanding Implicit and Explicit Bias

We see the world through constructed patterns acquired through ordinary experiences in our culture. These experiences embed values, beliefs, and expectations into our worldview. The becomes the framework through which we engage with the world. What happens when this framework is used in a second culture? How does it impact how a person leads, ministers, or gives care to those with a different worldview? This seminar will unpack research examining transformative worldview experiences of missionaries. This seminar will help you understand the worldview tensions and shifts in people working cross-culturally in order to better prepare second culture workers as they consider the impact of worldview on how they lead, minister, and serve.

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Best Nursing Practices for Faith Integration

The purpose of this session is to explore ways to integrate the Lord’s call to love and humbly serve others within the discipline of nursing. God created people to glorify Him, so believers are to present their bodies as a living sacrifice and life of worship (Rom. 12:1). Jesus came to serve others as He touched the untouchable and marginalized. Nurses, and other members of the healthcare team, can use their gifts and talents they have been given, as well as their training, to come alongside the vulnerable, hurting, suffering, and broken in the same way Jesus did.

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End of Life Discussions: Bringing Hope Where People Feel Hopeless

Do you ever wonder how to bring up end of life discussions without creating fear or loss of hope? What does an end of life discussion include and is it wider than creating a DNR? It is crucial to create an open atmosphere to discuss end of life beliefs, customs, and values, but how and when is this done and who can do it? This session will give you the ability to start a dialogue, set goals, and understand different resources that are available. We will discuss aspects of culture, religion, and psychology that require sensitive approaches. Every situation is unique and has its own dynamics, but in creating an open and relaxed atmosphere a plan of care for end of life needs and goals can be addressed and new definitions of hope can be explored.

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Refugee Care in the US

Serving the Sojourner in America's Most Diverse Square Mile

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Resilience, Endurance, and the Christian Medical Worker

Characteristics of altruistic individuals, such as passion, dedication, and empathy, can under certain circumstances make them more vulnerable to experiencing psychological distress. In the last two decades, a significant body of psychiatric and psychological literature has looked at this issue. This presentation will draw from the presenter’s work with the diplomatic community and disaster relief workers to identify common stressors and stress responses among Christian workers in foreign environments. In addition, it will explain the notion of psychological resilience, describe the five resilience factors most likely to be protective against burnout and disillusionment, and will suggest ways that Christian health care workers can make use of these concepts to protect their own psychological health and well-being.

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