Explore the directory of GMHC and MedicalMissions.com partners - groups that help build this movement.
Explore organizations who can help you get there: missions agencies, sending agencies, non profits, etc.
Explore organizations and clinics who are serving in the United States to serve the underserved.
Explore institutions who can equip you to go: universities, colleges, training programs, etc.
Explore residency programs deigned to help you serve the underserved.
Explore business that support missional advancement - resources to help you.
You want to live a life of significance that is humbly aligned to God’s purposes. In order to do that, you need to understand God’s call for, or will in, your life. The problem is, it doesn’t seem clear, and everyone you meet has a different perspective on “calling”, which makes you feel confused and stuck. What you need are tools to help you discern God’s call.
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