Dear Friends,
Thank you for taking the time to consider what God’s design for your life looks like. Why is this important? For some time, we’ve relegated missions to something a certain group of people do, or something we only do over a couple of weeks in the summer. Our passion is to affirm that every follower of Jesus has been uniquely shaped for His purposes and therefore everything you do matters to him – our skills, abilities, passions and experience are all part of how He carefully designed us (Eph 2:10). As we live this out, we are on mission for Him!
What if every follower of Jesus had a way to engage in God’s global mission, while remaining within their God-given vocation? It was really this question that launched the Scatter Global community. We wanted to create an actionable pathway for every believer to live, work and make disciples in cities around the world.
We believe our generation has been given a monumental opportunity. The landscape of missions is changing dramatically. Geopolitical shifts are creating huge challenges, but also unprecedented opportunities. Today, 80% of the world’s population live in countries where traditional missionaries are forbidden or severely restricted. At the same time, a global talent crisis is accelerating the need for employers to source international workers. Opportunities exist in virtually every global industry – healthcare remains at the top of the list. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are often welcomed with open arms by governments that would otherwise close the door to Christians or ministries.
Would you consider doing what God has gifted you to do – your skills, experience, and passion – and employing them in another part of the world where Jesus is less known? The world needs what you have. Hospitals and other institutions around the world are looking for your skill set. Could it be that God has prepared and equipped you to be on mission for him in a marketplace of the unreached world?
Thank you again,
Many things are shifting in the world of missions today. One of these major shifts is seeing a major movement of Christian professionals taking their jobs overseas and being a light in the world through their job. And while these individuals may not be raising funds, this is very much missions. Healthcare is one of the greatest avenues of need globally which makes your skills an excellent avenue to take a job somewhere in the world.
We are pleased to partner with Scatter Global - a collective movement of individuals and agencies who are moving the vision forward for equipping and sending the Market Place Worker. Scatter Global is a community similar to with specific purposes of empowering this vision. We encourage you to explore Scatter Global and how this community may help you take your job overseas to impact the world.
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