Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

How Telehealth can Improve Health Outcomes in the Mission Field

In this session we will discuss how telehealth and technology can be used to improve patient healthcare in medical missions, streamline the continuity of care through digital health records and improve patient health outcome with technologies that enables physicians to continue to monitor their patients' progress long after the short-term mission trip.

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How to Integrate your Profession with your Faith

Have you longed to integrate your Christian faith into your patient care – on the mission field abroad, in your work at home, and during your training? Not sure how to do this in a caring, ethical, sensitive, and relevant manner? This “working” session will explore the ethical basis for spiritual care plus provide you with profession, timely, and practical methods to care for the whole person in the clinical setting.

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Integrating Wholistic Health - An Interactive Exercise

We tend to perceive our health by the physiological functionality of our bodies. The gospel message and the Kingdom perspective of the parables paint a wholistic picture of health that defines us as spiritual beings with specific roles to play in God’s Kingdom expansion around the world. The life-giving attributes of God’s Spirit seen in Jesus’s life and stories depict an intentionality worthy of deeper assessment so that we too can have a greater impact in and through our lives.

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Integration of Domestic Healthcare & International Missions

When we think of God's global mission, we cannot overlook the U.S. as a mission field. It is a nation in spiritual decline, and widening gaps between the church and groups that are becoming increasingly unreached. What works in international missions, works here. This session will focus on the medical missions movement here in the United States, how it relates to overseas medical work, and how the two go hand in hand. We will look at several case studies, and address challenges and bottlenecks in this growing movement.

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Language Learning Options

As a health care professional on the mission field, the task of language learning is both essential and complicated. We say that language learning is a high value and priority for ourselves as missionaries, and yet it often is the first thing to take a back seat in life and ministry. Why is that? How can we do better? With over 15 years of experience in educating, training, and coaching missionaries in language and culture learning, Dr. Mullen will cast a vision for what it takes to truly become “fluent” in your target host language. She will offer biblical, theoretical, and practical advice for missionaries and missions leaders alike on how to prepare, execute, and continually improve communicative competence in a second language and cross-cultural setting.

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