Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Seven Principles for Empowering on Short Term Trips

Oftentimes short term mission trips sideline the indigenous church. The local church is the key to transformation and must be empowered to participate in the Great Commission. The members of the local, indigenous church are the best people to reach their community with the Gospel. They speak the same language, look the same, and understand the culture. By giving the local church the responsibility, allowing them to be in the driver's seat, we will be able to empower them with skills that will meet the biggest needs in their own community. Missions is designed to be a relay race. We will discuss seven principles to assist us in our short term mission trips to have sustained, long term impact without creating dependency.

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Domestic Health Disparities

The United States spends more money per capita for health care costs than any developed country in the world. It, also, has the worst health outcomes of any developed country. This presentation will review US health disparities in marginalized communities from the lens of health equity, health inequality, health disparities, and social determinants of health. The health care outcome review will be made nationally, regionally, and locally in the context of historical and current policy decisions affecting US health care outcomes. The deficiencies of the current system are underscored in the increased disease burden of COVID-19 cases and mortality in US marginalized communities mirroring similar occurrences in chronic disease manifestations. Recognition and identification of factors contributing to health inequity is the first step in achieving improved health care outcomes in marginalized domestic populations. Participants are encouraged to take the Harvard Implicit Bias test prior to this session at https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

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The Present State of Missions from an African Perspective

The Present state of Missions will give fellow Christians especially from the Global North to see and experience the movement of God's Spirit in the Global South, Africa, Asia, and Latin America! A Taste of Missions on the African Continent

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Evidence Based Medicine

The ability to critically appraise the validity of published literature is an essential skill for all physicians. This lecture will explore the principles of evidence based medicine with a focus on critical appraisal of randomized controlled trials.

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Public Health and Missions

Public health seeks to provide the conditions for people, communities, and populations to experience physical, mental, and social well-being (to use the World Health Organization definition of health). As Christians, we can broaden this concept to

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