Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Preparing For and Working in a Therapy Clinic- Short Term

This session will give the participants ways to: Identify the needed equipment and supplies for a therapy clinic on a short term missions trip; Identify the obstacles for the clinic to function properly and efficiently; Identify a time table for preparations for a short term trip with a therapy clinic; Identify the ways to prepare therapy supplies and equipment for transport on a short term trip; Identify the most effective approach for treating patients on a short term trip with limited time for each patient visit.

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Medical Ministry to Muslims

Medicine provides a unique opportunity to reach into the lives of Muslim people. Aileen Coleman will share how she and her colleagues have used the treatment of Tuberculosis and other chronic diseases to share the Gospel in the Muslim context.

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Balancing Competence & Compassion

Healthcare education and professional certification require core clinical competencies to be demonstrated before privileges are granted. In the midst of the endless cycle of healthcare training, experience, documentation and verification, there are ways to act with compassion. In global health we are called to balance competence through learning procedures, improving abilities, and honing skills, with compassion by doing what we can now to meet the immediate incredible needs before us.

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Spiritual Follow-up to Healthcare Missions

This session will include leaning how the following in a community setting can help with spiritual follow up in healthcare missions:
- Utilize partnerships with local church planting agencies [Indian Christian agencies]
- Utilize relationships of trust established at the hospital or through the Community health and development programs, realizing most of us come to know Christ thru such relationships
- Offer to pray with patients / contacts
- Invite to a nearby house church for Sunday worship

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Fund-Raising for Short-term or Long-Term Missions

Want to know the key to raising resources for a life-time of ministry or for a short-term mission trip – its Effective Ministry Partnership Development (MPD). We’ll address how correct thinking, biblical principles and practical principles are the key. This session will explain “why people give,” “how to effectively gain their support and involvement,” “ways to grow your list of prospects” and “what the basis is for successful long-term financial partnership.” Anyone wanting to increase the involvement of others in the ministry and increase their financial partnership should attend this session.

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