Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Conflict Resolution: Solving the Greatest Problem in Missions - Interpersonal Conflict.

The most common cause for expatriate healthcare professionals to abandon their service in a mission hospital is unresolved conflict with those that they work or live with in community. This session will share proven principles and techniques to resolve conflict that inevitably comes to everyone during their lives.

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Building a Network of Overseas Medical Training Programs

Developing a network among like-minded international medical training programs is an important aspect of successfully utilizing medical education as a missions strategy.

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Functional Gait Training for the non-Physical Therapist

This is a practical time of instruction for gait training of patients at all levels including from the use of assitive dvices to functional traing for advance gait and balance

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Spiritual Assessment in Clinical Practice: An Evidence Based Approach

Health professionals in all settings should take a history from their patient(s). National guidelines in the U.S. recommend a spiritual assessment be included with most or all patients. Yet, surveys show that over 95% of patients say that no health professional has ever inquired of their spiritual or religious beliefs. Furthermore, most health professionals indicate that they never been taught how or why to incorporate a spiritual or religious assessment into their patient history.

In this session you'll learn why a spiritual assessment is now considered a part of quality, evidence-based patient care. In addition, you'll be exposed to a number of spiritual history instruments to consider using in your patient care and you'll be exposed to options of how to utilize the information obtained from a spiritual assessment.

Finally, you'll be introduced to a small group training tool that you can use at home to facilitate the introduction of these principles to other health professionals.

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Partnering for Empowerment

The need for medical, dental, and other care in remote areas around the world correspond to areas where the Gospel is typically not prevalent or readily available. The need is so great that no one individual or organization can meet the need alone. By working together to empower local Christ followers in remote areas to reach the medical, dental, and other needs of people in their own communities as a door opener for the Gospel, we will be able to fulfill the Great Commission. This task requires multiplication of participants through discipleship. We must work together to equip and empower local Christ followers, handing them the baton to continue the race after the training team leaves.

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