Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Stories from the field: Missions in Ecuador

An assortment of personal stories of missions in Ecuador. Steve Saint shares stories from his time in Ecuador and other places around the world. Steve will share insights into how to engage indigenous people groups with resources for developing communities and how best to work with them to instill dignity and ownership.

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Transforming Neighborhoods from the Inside Out

This session will introduce people to how CHE is being used in North America in seeing urban underserved neighborhoods become transformed from the inside out using the assets that are found in the neighborhood by

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Learning from Each Other About CHE

This session will bring people together that have been doing CHE or starting to use CHE as a wholistic community development tool. Therefore most of the presentation will come from the people in the seminar sharing their experiences including their success and failures.

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Use of CHE in North America

This session will introduce people to how CHE is being used in North America in seeing urban underserved neighborhoods.

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Sustainability of Healthcare Missions in the 21st Century - Reflections from the Field

What really IS sustainability? Are any health care institutions truly sustainable, in either the developed or the developing world? A refreshing look at an age-old missionary dilemma

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