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November 10-12, 2016
Louisville, KY
Physical event
GMHC 2016
Explore all the sessions for GMHC 2016
Thursday, Nov 10, 2016
11:00 am
Caring for Victims of Humanitarian Disaster and War
Caring for Victims of Humanitarian Disaster and War
Blessed are the Peacemakers: Fostering a Culture of Peace
Moving and Raising a Family Overseas
Complicated Cases of Post-Partum Haemorrhage in the Tropics
Updates on the management of malnutrition and common pitfalls
How Passing On of the Skills has Impacted the Indian Church
Missions and Church Health in Africa
Creating Models of Sustainable Healthcare
The Zika Virus
11:00 am
Friday Morning Plenary
Why Does Sexuality Matter?
Scatter: GO Therefore and Take Your Day Job
How to Waste Your Life
Refugee Ministry in the Heartland of Islam
Friday, Nov 11, 2016
3:00 am
Dental Mission Equipment Planning and Flipper Construction - A Hands on Session
Dental Mission Equipment Planning and Flipper Construction - A Hands on Session
Practical Suturing for the Non-Surgeon - A Hands On Session
Non OB Ultrasound for under-served and missions - A Hands On Session
3:00 am
HIV: An International Update
HIV: An International Update
A Patients Perspective: Zika
Organizational Mission Drift or Ministry Shift: Staying Mission True through Changing Times
Pediatric Development: Sensory, Motor, and Neurological Milestones (Part I)
Building a Financial Foundation
Empowering the Next Generation in Africa: How Collaborative Pediatric Training in Kenya Decreased Infant Mortality Rates
Motivating Individual to Change Health Habits
Design, deployment and utilization of an Emergency Field Hospital in global disasters
Strengthening Relationships Between Faith-based Health Organizaitons and National Governments
Integrating the Gospel into Everyday Setting
Lessons Learned in Starting Ministries in Resource Challenged Environment
Opportunities to Serve
Short Term Teams that Avoid Creating Dependency
Asian Americans & the Challenge of Medical Missions
Communicating With Muslims
The Role of Domestic Medical Missions in Preparing the Next Generation of Medical Missionary Pioneers
4:20 am
Sexual Discipleship
Sexual Discipleship
Creativity and thinking Impact: Essential Ingredients for health care in resource constrained countries
Helping Without Hurting: Introduction to the International Code of Conduct and Humanitarian Charter
Treating Mechanical Spinal Pain for the non-Physical Therapist
Cultural Humility: Medical Missions and Culture
Adolescent Health Epidemiology, Risks, Solutions, Challenges and Research Priorities in the Middle East
Resilience and the Prevention and Management of Burnout
Developing Cross Cultural Health Care Workers
Selecting an Agency (Missionary Panel 2 Docs, 2 Nurses)
Reaching the Deformed and the Disabled
Best Practices for Facilitating Short Term Trips
Nursing in Missions: Serving and Sacrifice
Integrating Education & Discipleship in Educational Programs
Treatment of Malaria
Refugee Health from Flight to Resettlement: A Holistic Approach to Caring for Refugees
Pediatric Development: Sensory, Motor, and Neurological Milestones (Part II)
8:30 am
Theology of the Body: Seeing Medicine as a Gospel Imperative
Theology of the Body: Seeing Medicine as a Gospel Imperative
Beginning with the End in Mind
Lessons Learned as a Missionary Nurse
Partnering for Empowerment
Spiritual Assessment in Clinical Practice: An Evidence Based Approach
Functional Gait Training for the non-Physical Therapist
Conflict Resolution: Solving the Greatest Problem in Missions - Interpersonal Conflict.
Being and Finding a Mentor
Biblical Basis of Missions
Innovative Adaptations for Acute Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in Sub-Sahara Africa (lessons from Cameroon)
Empowering Indigenous Believers
From Vulnerable to Remarkable: Equipping Women and Families for Sustainable Health and Development
Neglected Tropical Diseases
Health and Safety for Medical Missionaries
Refugee Care: Displaced But Not Forgotten
How the Next Generation Thinks, Processes, and is Motivated
9:45 am
Serving for Sustainable Impact
Serving for Sustainable Impact
Refugees and Healthcare Missions
Women in Medical Missions
The Bible's Secret to Suffering: What the Apostles Knew and You Need to Know as Well.
Building Effective Leadership Skills
Faith vs. Fear
Managing a Short Term Trip for Maximum Impact
Caring Across Cultures
What I Wish I Knew Before (and After) Saying "I Do”
Urban Health Care
How Short Term Missions can Impact the Church for Sustainable Healthcare
Common Surgical Problems by African Region - Cases from PAACS Hospitals
How To Start A Research Ethics Committee At Your Hospital
Community Health Evangelism
Common and Complex Dysphagia Cases
God's Guidance and the "Missionary Call"
Saturday, Nov 12, 2016
3:00 am
The Future of Medical Missions
The Future of Medical Missions
Which Region of the World Am I Suited For? Comparing the Demands of Various Parts of the World
Emerging and Re-Emerging Vector-borne Viral Illnesses - Chikungunya, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Zika
Research: Training – Challenges for Family Medicine: Family Medicine Residency Training in Creative Access Countries
Earning CE/CME Credits While Teaching and learning in the Mission Field: CMDE
Fund Raising and Communication for Medical Missionaries
Holistic Health: Healing the Whole Person
Staying Alive: Finding peace in the chaos of missional living
Dental Ministry as an Outreach in Closed or Creative Access Countries
Short Term Medical Teams with Long Term Impact Part I
Medicine, Muslims and Missions
How Medical Disciples are Living out God's Global Mission in the U.S
4:20 am
God's Greater Call: Don't Worry (Yet) About Where You're Going Or What You'll Do
God's Greater Call: Don't Worry (Yet) About Where You're Going Or What You'll Do
Building a Network of Overseas Medical Training Programs
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Middle East: The Need for Responsive Health System
Finding God's Will
Things I Wish I Knew Before We Went to the Mission Field
Medical Care in Rural Asia: From the hospital to the home- wholistic care in rural China
Effective Cross-Cultural Communication Skills
To Go or Not to Go? What are the Questions?
Doing Research in Resource-Limited Settings
Collaborations (Nationals, Organizations, Experts) in Research
Syrian Refugees: Post-Mission Thoughts from a Syrian-American Medical Student
Developing an eye care program in an underserved community
Short Term Medical Teams with Long Term Impact Part II