The entry of counterfeit medicines into the USA has accelerated greatly as a result of illegal internet pharmacies. Some major changes have occurred in the policies of some website search engines that will impede the entry of counterfeit medicines into the US, but this will be probably only a temporarily reduce the size of the counterfeit market in the US.
This presentation will cover the following issues:
1. Examples of the impact of drug counterfeits in the USA and abroad. However, this is not a witch hunt of counterfeit medicines. The purpose of these examples is to get your attention as to the urgency of this problem. 2. Counterfeit medicines in general: The magnitude of the problem. 3. Examples of the impact of counterfeit medicines on mortality and morbidity. 4. Solutions: Levels of counterfeit prevention measures: Overt, Covert, and Forensic. 5. Examples of each of the above types of intervention. 6. Changes In US law and current CA law to mandate implementation of ePedigree and other counterfeit intervention and drug diversion protection measures. 7. How to know from which internet pharmacies are safe to order drugs.