Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Human Trafficking

this session will describe the magnitude of human trafficking in the US and globally. It will look at the typical health problems of this group , clues that a patient may be a trafficked victim, and suggestions for treatment principles for them

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Surgery and Missions

Why We Teach: an interactive session on cross-cultural surgical education.

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Medical Education

We have been asked to start a medical school/residency training program: Now What?

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How Global Experiences Influence Practices Upon Return Home

This break-out session will describe how global learning experiences affect the practice of healthcare students and professionals after they return home, beyond cultural competence.

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Theology of Suffering

This session will look at the reality of suffering in this world and how to reorient our hearts and minds to face it well.

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