Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Case Study: 100 Churches Planted by Medical Workers

Strategic indigenous medical training to impact the Church Planting Movement and the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Psychiatry & Missions

Learn about GMH (Global Mental Health) and resources for integrating this into your general medical and global health practices - through clinical vignettes from our practice in LMICs.

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The Curse and the Cure

A challenge to see the world the way that God sees it, under a curse and under the management of the devil. The good news is all of that comes to an end when the cure, Jesus, is taken to all nations. How will you be a part of this big thing that God is doing?

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Hospital Administration Overseas

Sending organizations spend tens of millions of dollars each year sending clinicians and support staff overseas. They invest very little in comparison on the leaders who are essential to preventing their burnout. Competent and compassionate administrative leaders are not only essential for developing and sustaining resilient healthcare and ministry teams; they also shepherd the systems that optimize human, technological and financial resources and prevent waste of resources and harm to patients. Despite its necessity, healthcare leadership and management training often scarce in many of the world’s most marginalized places. In this presentation, Anderson makes a case for the necessity of building leadership capacity and introduces practical tools that help address this training gap while building vibrant, sustainable mission teams.

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