Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Global, Local, Short Term, Long Term: Biblical Models for Being “Missional”

The New Testament gives not one but several models for doing missions. New Testament models of missions are far more flexible and less narrowly defined than the way we typically think of missions. The usual conception of a missionary as one who follows a “call” to go abroad is just one facet of missions. In this session we will explore the Biblical patterns and trajectories of what it means to do missions—at home and abroad, and discover what the Bible has to say to us about being “missional” in the 21st Century.

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Educational Loans do not have to Dictate the Terms of Your Medical Mission Service

A Biblical view of money and material things will help you to keep student loan borrowing to a minimum so that you can serve where God has called you-- without delay.

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Nuts and Bolts of an International Medical Missions Rotation

The nuts and bolts for students of an international health-care short term mission rotation. Choosing, preparing for, and successful completion of a short-term mission opportunity. This is for nursing, pre-professional, medical, dental, pharmacy, public health and other allied health-care students and post-graduate residents. Purpose: Acquaint the professional student with (1) Blessings, advantages and benefits of an international rotation especially in a mission setting. (2) Preparing oneself personally, including spiritual, emotional and academic preparation, for the best experience. (3) Process of choosing where to go, permission from your school, funding, establishing mentors and other preparations to gain the most from the experience. (4) The importance of post-trip debriefing and mentoring while looking toward the future.

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Cross Cultural Spiritual Ministry

Cross-cultural Spiritual Ministry in Healthcare. How does one address spiritual needs in cross-cultural healthcare ministry? There are important principals and presuppositions we must understand if we are to effectively address spiritual needs and dimensions of people and communities. You cannot reach competency in wholistic healthcare missions simply in one or two hours. What is the goal of this session? To challenge you through stories, lessons learned, mistakes made and discussion to pursue a deeper understanding of the needs, barriers, opportunities, expectations and joys of integrated spiritual ministry in a cross-cultural international setting. Goals: (1) Setting the tone for spiritual ministry (2) Understanding the importance of culture and worldview (3) Establishing a team approach (4) Hindrances, especially to the western-trained professional (5) Resources

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Why Won’t “They” Listen?

Why don’t they see that what they are doing is wrong! Why don’t they understand my explanation? Why won’t they look at me when I talk to them? Why won’t they make a decision…after all, any decision is better than no decision at all! Why won’t the listen! Learn why these and other “misunderstandings” result in “mis-communications” in the world of cross-cultural ministry and how we can overcome them.

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