Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

God's Guidance and 'The Call'

The "missionary-call" can be a source of high anxiety and soul-searching for those who think God is leading them to the mission field. But what do we mean, and more importantly, what does the Bible really have to say about the call to missions? And what do we think of when we use the word "missionary"? Does our view match what we find in the Bible? In this session we will explore some of the misconceptions of what it means to be "called to missions," and take a look at how the Bible has more to say about God's guidance rather than the traditional idea of a "call." Hopefully we can set aside some of the anxiety and focus on how God has given us the opportunity to spread the news of his grace in Christ according to the various gifts he has given to each of us.

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International Medical Rotations

Why should you do an international rotation while in training? Do you know? What are the advantages to you for your training and future? Can God really use you as a student? How do you prepare for His working through you? How to find the place(s) to do an overseas rotation? How do you get the clinical and procedural experience you desire? What do you need to take? Where can you find the money? How can you be sure your school will give you credit? What should you do ahead of time so your life will be forever changed? How can you impact other lives in the greatest way? Come join me for practical answers to these and many other nut and bolt questions that will get you started down the path to a meaningful, life-changing overseas rotation!

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What To Do When a Disaster or Kidnapping Strikes

We would all like to believe that as we reach out to share our medical expertise and the love and the compassion of Christ we will be safe, but is there any place in which we can be safe today? Security as we know is it is not the absence of danger, but the presence of the Lord. Being good stewards of the great blessings given to us of volunteers serving the least, the lost and the last is our obligation. We need to be prepared and have trained leaders to know what to do when the unthinkable happens. We will discuss how to approach these situations from the sandpoint of evaluation of risks, minimizing exposure, training for the eventuality of the most common conditions that could be encountered and preparation for the unthinkable. Unfortunately there is evil in the world and if one looks at the statistics: in 2009 there were 278 reported victims of 139 serious security incidents compared with 1999 when there were 65 victims involved in 34 such incidents. This trend continues to go up in all areas from kidnappings, road attacks, mob violence, ambushes, robberies, to suicide bombings. This situation hightens our responsibility and be wise and prepared even as we trust the Lord for our provision and protection. To God be the glory.

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Spiritual Formation in Short-term Healthcare Teams

Short-term missions offer a unique opportunity for sustained spiritual formation away from the distractions of a busy life in the U.S., in a setting where the traveler is often far removed from their comfort zone and power zone. This workshop presents ideas and guidelines for the trip leader in recruiting, selecting, and preparing trip participants to act as the Body of Christ in their service, and to reduce opportunities for the deceiver to cause division and strife and to cast dispersion on the name of the Lord. It will also offer suggestions for proactive steps to take that may minimize potential disruptions within the team and between team members and nationals.

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The Complexities of Money in Cross-cultural Partnering

Most people enter cross-cultural ministry partnerships with the best of intentions. However, often when conflict arises it is because different beliefs and assumptions about how money should be spent or managed have not been properly examined. Financial stewardship and accountability frequently mean different things to people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

The purpose of this workshop is to help people better navigate these types of complexities. It will be an interactive session built upon adult learning principles. It is designed to help mission practitioners grow in cultural intelligence when funding is part of a cross-cultural partnership.

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