Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Passing on of Skills

It is the general idea that the short-term missions is one sided. Often creating dependency- teams from USA go to the underdeveloped country to help and bring short term relief and address felt needs in the comminutes of the countries they visit. While that may be true, ‘passing on of skills’ showcases how the trend can be reversed and these very missions can impact providing long term and sustainable projects and help move from ‘relief’ to ‘development’ and self sustaining mode. Caleb Rayapati, will show case how the “Pass on the skills” is making an impact on the ground, a firsthand account of the partnering mission using the Dental Outreach skills in self sustaining method, involved in community development in India impacting through practice of Biblical wholisim.

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Promoting Health for 'Half the Sky'

In today's world, major urban centers, with highly renowned medical centers and universities, are also places with high infant and maternal mortality/morbidity. According to UNFPA's Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin (2012), "The number of maternal deaths is often inversely proportional to girls' and women's status in the family and society, and evidence shows that the poorer the household, the greater the risk of maternal death." In this session, we will examine factors influencing women's health, both in urban and global settings, and discuss strategies for health promotion and disease prevention with women and their communities

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Working with Governments, Universities, National Healthcare

Traditional ways of serving in medical missions have included working in mission hospitals, clinics and aspects of community development and public health. Less well-known—but significant—medical mission ministries from the beginning include medical education and cooperating with local and national governments in planning or providing healthcare, including national healthcare. As entry into many areas of the world has been restricted for traditional medical missions over the past generation, these other less well-known thrusts have increased in strategic significance.

Three distinguished panelists—Dr. James Smith, Dr. Daniel Tolan and Dr. Matthew Koh— bring extensive experience from nearly all continents to this session. They have served in both Christian and secular contexts and short and long term programs that have greatly enhanced the scope and effectiveness of medical missions worldwide. Join us to expand your horizons of opportunities to serve in these medical ministries.

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Building a Sustainable HealthCare Mission Model

If you’ve been on a short-term trip you’ve experienced it;
it’s the last day and the line of patients is as long as the day of arrival. Desperation is in the air. There is a nagging sense in your gut that this is not right. This session
will present techniques that empower believers to meet the healthcare needs in their own community

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Helping Women in the Developing World Thrive

An introduction to Women's Cycle of Life, part of a comprehensive, wholistic curriculum and program that equips women to thrive in the face of a multitude of challenges in the developing world. In order to help women thrive, it is important to understand not only the challenges they face, but also the roots of those challenges. Women's Cycle of Life training is part of a larger wholistic community development approach that equips communities, leaders, and women to see every aspect of themselves through God's eyes. Lessons include a wide-range of physical, spiritual, and social topics focused on helping women live life abundantly.

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