November 9-11, 2023
Louisville, KY
In person and virtual event
I am a semi-retired missionary (general) surgeon who served 34 years in Gabon, Africa and 5 years in Egypt
In Person Virtual
God's call to his people are both general and specific. They are also tailored by God for each person, and for different seasons of life. Because God's specific calls to serve Him are tailored and individualized, they are never the same. Over time, God's specific calls to an individual can change. All of this can make the process of discerning God's call baffling a times! The key to understanding and obeying both God's general calls and his specific calls is the quality of our relationship with God, especially in the areas of faith and trust, hope, and love.
Struggling to Understand God’s Call?
You’re not alone. If you’re exploring your role in healthcare missions but feel unsure about your next step, this free eBook is for you.