November 10-12, 2022
Louisville, KY
In person and virtual event
Douglas Cobb
For forty years—through a career in startups, venture capital, and private equity—God
prepared Doug Cobb for the best job he’s ever had: serving as the managing partner of the
Finishing Fund. The partners of the Fund are accelerating the completion of the great
commission by financing the engagement of the world’s last few unengaged people
groups—groups where the gospel has never been declared and there have never been
Doug’s book And Then the End Will Come tells the story of the imminent completion of the
Great Commission and the promise of Matthew 24:14.
Doug and his wife Gena live in Louisville Kentucky where she serves as a Bible Study Fellowship
Teaching Leader and he serves as an elder and adult Sunday school teacher at Southeast
Christin Church. They have three grown children and four grandchildren.
Struggling to Understand God’s Call?
You’re not alone. If you’re exploring your role in healthcare missions but feel unsure about your next step, this free eBook is for you.