Daniel ONeill
Physician-theologian, Managing Editor, Christian Journal for Global Health. Assistant Professor Family Medicine, UCONN School of Medicine
I live to see God's glory displayed in the lives of broken and under-appreciated people from my neighborhood and every nation as they embrace their intended wholism, living lives of gratitude for God-given health, seeking truth and transforming their communities until He makes all things new.
I serve to teach veracity with clarity, to cooperate with the like-minded, to encourage thoughtful analysis, to mobilize resources, and to apply the ancient biblical texts to contemporary life and issues.
Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine, University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Managing Editor, Christian Journal for Global Health https://journal.cjgh.org
Board of Directors, Health for All Nations https://hfan.org
Co-chair of Evidence Working Group, Moral and Spiritual Imperative, Faith Initiative, World Bank
Co-author and co-editor of "All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health" (Pickwick, 2021) https://wipfandstock.com/9781725290112/all-creation-groans/