Jarry Richardson
"Senior" physician with background in Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Palliative Care, Sleep Medicine. Focus on Global Worker Mental Health.
Born in Nigeria, MK there until 16. HS in South Carolina. College at Samford University in Birmingham, AL. Johns Hopkins Medical School 68-72. Married Linda Williamson 1969. Osler Medical Internship and AR 1972-74. Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine 1974-76. Psychiatry 76 -78. Consulting Staff Mayo Clinic 1979-present. Delightful ongoing extensive time teaching psychiatry residents. Special interest geropsychiatry, sleep medicine, hospice and palliative care. 3 Adult children.
Interest in Mental Health and Missions since 1979 with involvement with Mental Health and Missions Conference, Evangelical Covenant Church World Mission member care,CMDA CMDE Mental Health Counselor since 1980s. CMDA CMDE Commission 2000-2012. Teaching Director Rochester MN Evening Community Bible Study Class.
Interest in teaching psychiatry in underresourced areas.