November 11-13, 2021
Louisville, KY
In person and virtual event
Solo practitioner in my Christian medical practice in S.W. Michigan where an emphasis on "Caring for the Whole Person" is actualized."
Sherry O’Donnell, D.O., F.A.C.O.I., is an American Internal Medicine physician who bases her Christian medical practice (Rappha Medical Center) and ministry (Heartbeat Missions) in southwest Michigan. Her emphasis on “Caring for the Whole Person” is actualized within her Practice through a team of “Lay Ministers” who are an integral part of care offered to every patient. She has coauthored a book and teaching materials on Caring for the Whole Person as well as being a conference speaker, educator and national leader on the topic.
Dr. Sherry, as she is known by patients and students, is a “Fellow” with the American College of Osteopathic Internists. She has twice been awarded “Preceptor of the Year” as adjunct faculty at Seton Hill University and Western Michigan University. She serves on the Board of Medical Evangelism Training Seminars (METS). She initiated a residency training program through the Osteopathic Physician Training Initiative which is now fully operational in the health system in her home community where she also l
In keeping with her belief that “every crisis provides an opportunity for Christ” and His disciples, Dr. O’Donnell has traveled to 32 different countries on short term missions and disaster relief. She recently responded when the Covid-19 pandemic meant New York City needed more physicians. As a respected and influential community leader who serves on local Boards, she fostered healing and created symbiotic community relationships among racially and ethnically diverse churches and the local police in 2020 through monthly “Community Unity Worship Services” which are ongoing.
Struggling to Understand God’s Call?
You’re not alone. If you’re exploring your role in healthcare missions but feel unsure about your next step, this free eBook is for you.