Herschel Rothchild
I love to connect with people, hear what God is doing in their life, and help them see where God can use their gifts for His glory!
I served with SIM in Nigeria with my family. Christine, my wife worked with widows and I worked with street children and the destitute.
I grew up in a culturally Jewish home. I joined the Navy and started serving as soon as I graduated high school. I lived overseas and traveled the world. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the age of 37. Two years later while attending family camp we met a family and both the parents were doctors. They told us about God coming to people in dreams and visions. We heard about how peoples lives and eternities were changed. They invited us to come and visit them in Nigeria and God used that to change our lives. Our family moved to Nigeria in 20034 when our daughter was in first grade and our son was in seventh grade. I saw things in Nigeria I never imagined. The ministry I worked in was started by a doctors wife when she wanted to start a feeding program for boys. It has grown into that and so much more. Many boys, girls, and adults have been changed by that ministry. I saw God use a general surgeon and a ENT to take an arrow out of a mans heart and not only was that man healed physically but by the time he left he had accepted Jesus as his Savior. God has used Doctors and all medical people to heal people physically and spiritually. God never stopped working in me and my faith continued to be challenged on a daily basis. It was a hard time but also very sweet, my family and I were truly blessed by our time in Nigeria. I would love to help you find a place to serve somewhere in the world. Will you go? Are you ready to see how God can use your skills in a new way? We need you! They need you!