November 11-13, 2021
Louisville, KY
In person and virtual event
In Person
"Count it all joy whenever you encounter trials of various kinds." That's how James opens his letter. How could joy and trials be mentioned in one sentence? Likewise, Paul says "we rejoice in suffering." What are they talking about? What do trials and suffering have to do with joy and rejoicing? Do they mean that if you aren't obviously happy when you suffer that you must be doing something wrong? Is there a particular kind of Christian suffering that's different than suffering for others? In this session we are going to explore exactly what "joy" and "rejoicing" in suffering and trials looks like and where God is in the midst of suffering, what we need to persevere in trials, and how followers of Christ never just "grin and bear it."
Struggling to Understand God’s Call?
You’re not alone. If you’re exploring your role in healthcare missions but feel unsure about your next step, this free eBook is for you.