Terry Dalrymple
Mobilizing and equipping the Church globally for Transformational Community Development among the poorest of the poor
Terry currently serves as Coordinator of the Global CHE Network and Vice President of the Alliance for Transformational Ministry. He provides leadership to a growing movement, equipping and mobilizing Christians to work together for effective Community Health Evangelism (CHE) ministries in rural poor communities and urban slums around the world.
CHE is a breakthrough mission strategy that seamlessly integrates evangelism and discipleship with disease prevention and community-based development. The work is wholistic, seeking to meet the whole need of individuals and communities - spiritually, physically, socially, and economically. Through CHE ministries people become followers of Jesus, churches are planted, and whole communities are lifted out of cycles of poverty and disease.
After a decade of service in the Philippines, Terry pioneered for Medical Ambassadors International in 9 countries in Southeast Asia, working together with partners to establish CHE ministries in more than 400 communities. Later as International Coordinator he guided the expansion of a growing global movement.
Terry is a capable teacher, author, and enthusiastic speaker on the subjects of Biblical wholism and transformational development. He holds a Bachelors degree in Bible, and a Master of Divinity from Western Seminary in Portland Oregon. Terry is married to Jeannie who works as a nurse at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, and is a clinical instructor. They have three adult children.