Divine Design - Who You Are Matters To Missions:
Knowing your particular strengths, skills, personality, spiritual gifts and passions, we will seek to help you understand how their unique fit can guide you to an awareness of where your life can make the greatest impact.
Great Expectations - The Sending Church and the MPW:
Exploring how the Market Place Worker sending model differs from the traditional missionary sending model, and what each party in the process should expect—church leaders, the Market Place Worker, the congregation.
Opportunity Knocks — Landing a Job in a Global Market:
Identifying global employment opportunities in the healthcare sector and ways to increase your chances of getting hired. Painting a realistic picture of employment overseas and the process to get you there.
Incredible Journey — Real Life Stories from Real Live MPWs:
Hear from real people intentionally living out their lives in a workplace and a neighborhood where Jesus is not yet known. Understand what questions they get asked, what friendships are like and how they “do ministry”. Get a glimpse into their inspiration, their journey and the opportunities they see for Market Place Workers.
Your Move — Stepping Into God’s Design:
Point out tools available to participants that can help them continue learning and progressing toward a decision to take a job overseas and serve as a MPW. Provide a time for finalizing earlier personal reflections and group discussions on the topics presented. Submit questions for the panel to address in the closing Q&A session.
You want to live a life of significance that is humbly aligned to God’s purposes. In order to do that, you need to understand God’s call for, or will in, your life. The problem is, it doesn’t seem clear, and everyone you meet has a different perspective on “calling”, which makes you feel confused and stuck. What you need are tools to help you discern God’s call.
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