The GMHC team is committed to helping you have the best experience possible during this event.

Find general help on this page and more specific help by user type listed below. 

General Help

Logging In / Accessing Event

Step 1 - Access Confirmation Email

The GMHC is hosted completely in so you'll need to log into your personal account to access the event.  You will be sent an email (sample provided) from 24 hours prior to the start of the event (on November 12th) to access the event with a prominent Access Event button.  Be sure to copy your Access Code to engage the virtual event pages.

NOTE: The virtual event opens 24-hours before the first scheduled event and concludes at the last scheduled event.

Step 2 - Submit Code & Enter

Clicking the email link will bring you to an authorization page to enter your code and access the event.  Additional screens may be displayed to guide you through the login or finding your registration.  

NOTE: If someone else registered you for the event, make certain they have added you to their list of "assigned tickets" so you will receive an email and have an ath

Optional Entry - Enter via GMHC Event Page

You may also enter the event through the GMHC event page.

Forgot Password

Reset Password

If you've forgotten your password, go here to reset.

Frequently Asked Questions


What if someone else registered me for the GMHC?

That person will need to assign you a ticket from their personal account which you will need to accept PLUS you will need to complete your personal event registration to gain access.  All attendees of the GMHC virtual event will need a account in order to access the event.  


When will I get my event access code?

You will receive your event access code in an email 24 hours in advance of the start of the conference on November 12th.


When does registration for the event close?

Registration for the GMHC will not close until the event wraps up on Saturday evening.